Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tunisia: Sunday February 28 - Troglodytes and a Lunar Landscape!

Woke up at 6:15, had breakfast at 7am and jumped on the bus and headed to the Ghriba synagogue that we missed the day before. Unfortunately when we got there they said there were still celebrations going on and they weren't allowing visitors in today either. And let me tell you, that synagogue is held down like a fortress. You'd think the President of Tunisia lived there. So with nothing left on the itinerary left to do on Djerba, we took the ferry back over to the mainland and head to Matmata. It took a bit of time to get there, and you really started to see the terrain change.

We visited a troglodyte house and met the woman who lives in one. I would be so bummed if I had to live in one. I'm adventurous but this would not be my cup of tea. It was incredibly interesting to see though.

Her puppy! He was so happy to see us!

The woman who lives in the troglodyte showing us how she makes bread. You put the grain in the hole t the top of the two stones and spin the top stone around with the stick. She served us some bread and oil and it tasted really good. I felt bad eating it though because it looked like hard work making it.

After that we got back on the bus and drove to matmata. We got off to take pictures of the most beautiful lunar landscape. Maria said people call it that because it pretty much looks like the terrain on the moon.

This is what I'd look like on the moon! haha

We went to a hotel to have lunch and I got couscous and pasta and all sorts of good food. After that we headed to Douz to check into our hotel, the Sahara Douz, and get our overnight bags ready for THE NIGHT IN THE DESERT!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I could live in a house in the mountain either - it looks a little claustrophic to me - no windows??? but like you said it was interesting to learn about them - I hadn't heart about them before.
    I'm really learning alot from your trips!!!!
    This is great!
