Saturday, February 6, 2010

A crypt decorated with bones and an evening at the movie theatre

Today was quite an interesting day. My roommates came up with the itinerary and I was very happy to tag along. We took the metro to Barberini again to look at the Trevi fountain since one of my roommates hasn't seen it yet either and it was much more packed today then when I went yesterday and the day was just as dreary. On our way to Santa Maria della Concezione, which has the crypt, we stopped in a little boutique and I found boots that I really liked but not in my size. So the quest continues!

So we got to Santa Maria della Concezione right as they reopened after lunch (3pm) and we kind of knew what to expect but not entirely. The church's crypt is called the Capuchin Crypt and it's the burial place of monks and there's over 4,000 bones used to decorate the walls and ceilings. Yes, ceilings. Pictures weren't permitted but you can steal them off google, so I stole some to explain what we saw because it really was quite neat!

This is the church, Santa Maria della Concezion. The crypt entrance is on the right. I stole this pic from google. It was too rainy to even bother.

This picture is taken while you're standing in the crypt looking back to entrance and that desk is where you leave an offering to enter. The crypt is just a walkway with rooms to your left as you're walking through of decorated tomb areas. You have to walk back through it to get out. There were maybe like 5 or 6 rooms. It wasn't very big, but there were bones everywhere!

After viewing the crypt we still had time before the movie so we took a look inside the church...

After our church visit, we hoped back on the metro to the next stop at Repubblica because it was raining pretty steady. Originally we would have walked it, but your feet get easily drenched, trust me, it's AWFUL. So we then went to see the church with the pink marble that was once the place where Diocletian's Baths were (pictures in a previous blog) because my other roommate hadn't seen it. That's probably my second favorite church in Rome so far besides St. Peters. After that we went to Dagnino's (the best pastry shop in Rome!) again and each bought two pastries to sneak into the movie theatre that was just on the other side of the Repubblica Piazza. The movie theatre looks just like any movie theatre in the states. We got tickets to see Nine in the original version that had Italian subtitles. There were a few Italian speaking people in the theatre with us but mostly Americans I think were there. haha. I actually enjoyed it a lot and I didn't know it was based around Rome so it was perfect to see while I'm here.

So that was my day. I really liked seeing a movie. It was a nice break from the constant sight-seeing that I feel like I do almost on a daily basis. After nearly 4 weeks of it you start to feel run down a bit. But this will be my last weekend in Rome for quite awhile. I go to Milan next weekend, Then Naples the following weekend. Then Tunisia for Spring break, then Florence. All in a row! So I made sure to get out and see as much as I could this weekend. Shopping day tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find a pair of boots! Ciao!


  1. Well the Cappuccin Crypt was very different from the regular museum paintings and sculptures you see. Quite the interesting place. Visit that on Halloween (do they celebrate Halloween over there?) and especially at night haha!!!
    I would love to see the movie "Nine" - I saw previews and Oprah had the cast on several weeks ago and it looked really neat.
    Yes you are going to be busy the next four weeks but don't forget to blog - we love seeing your adventures!!!!!
    Talk to you soon.

  2. I guess I'll have to do some homework on the 4 cities you will be visiting. Florence! That reminds me of the movie While You Were Sleeping. Sandra Bullock's life dream was to go to Florence! Jack got her a beautiful snow globe of that city. LOL! Don't let your Dad go up those steps. He'll have to get down on all fours like he did at the Kinzua bridge in McKean County!!! Love, Robin
