Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hectic schedule


Haven't had a chance to blog in a couple days. I'm trying to feel out my schedule for the semester. I'll definitely be doing all my homework at school. I have 3 hours in between all my classes, except today after my 9-12 class I have a 4 1/2 hour break until my 4:30 class! I could go home but I think I'll end up staying here and reading textbooks and writing papers. So I might as well get used to it.

So here's how my schedule really works:

3-4:30 Class lecture - High & Late Baroque in Rome.
(With an incredibly boring professor:

9-12 On Site Lecture - High & Late Baroque in Rome.
3-4:30 Class lecture - Inside Italian Design
7:30-9 Class Lecture - Early Renaissance in Rome

9-12 On Site Lecture - Early Renaissance in Rome
4:30-6 Class Lecture - Late Antique & Byzantine

9-12 On Site Lecture - Late Antique & Byzantine
3-6 On Site Lecture - Inside Italian Design

I'm all over Rome for my on site lectures so I never meet or end at the school. I'll write another post later tonight about yesterday and today's lectures at the Vatican Museums and then at the Pantheon and Capitaline Museums. Tomorrow I do on site lectures all day and never go to the school. Although it is completely surreal it's very exhausting. My body has been screaming at me to knock it off. I only take the bus home usually, but not always. So I'm walking all over creation it feels like. I have no idea how these Italian women handle it in their heels. They must use the metro...

I'll post my adventures of the last two days later tonight after class with pictures (yes I totally snuck shots of the Sistine Ceiling. The guard wasn't very strict thankfully). I better start on my reading assignments... Ugh!



  1. I posted 2 other comments, but I'm not sure I'm doing this right! Let me know if you are getting my comments if you can. I love reading your daily adventures and seeing all the pics. Your doing a great job detailing everything for us. I know your having the time of your life! I'm sooooo happy for you.

  2. Hey Robin!! I haven't seen any previous comments before this one. Whatever you did to write that comment keep doing it because it works and I can see it! haha. Thanks for reading my adventures and I hope everyone is doing well down home. Tell them all I said ciao!!

  3. Hi Jen
    I think your schedule is so interesting.
    Not having to go to a boring class room, instead being able to walk (or metro) around the city is so exciting to me. You will be such a pro by the time we get there. (our very own tour guide :) ) You will probably be so fit with all your walking.
    Talk to you soon.
    Luv ya,
