Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yes, I finally have the internet!

So after a good hour of changing around proxy addresses on the networks tab in our laptops, my roommates and I finally have the internet in our flat! And it works pretty fast too. Only 120 people in the residence can be on it at once, though. And there's about 200 or so I think living here. But so far so good. Lastnight I slept 12 blissful hours on my not so blissful mattress and one super flat pillow. We meant to get up and eat breakfast before getting to the school at 1pm for a 3 hour orientation that included lunch. We didn't get up until 11:30... haha. So breakfast ended up being a cheese sandwich, apple, and chips courtesy of Temple. Afterwards we walked back and were hoping to do a little grocery shopping at the indoor market on Via Andrea Doria but it was closed. We ended up going to the little meat and cheese shop across the street of the indoor market and bought a fresh loaf of bread with some cheese and butter. Which came out to I think 9 Euros. I could be wrong. Thank god for Kate, because she can speak Italian pretty well and understand it even better so she was a life saver throughout the day. On our way back to the residence I looked for the supermarket that Libby had told me about. I just saw a big red and white "GS" and thought to go check it out and sure enough, a supermarket! Finding it seriously made our day. When you go into the little privately owned shops for food it's a little nerve wrecking and apparently there's certain things you need to do, like ask if you may touch their fruits before you pick them up to purchase them... I don't know. What I do know is the supermarket has all the comfort foods I could ever hope for and basically everything you'd find in a trader joe's and in that smaller petite size. Such a relief. Later we ate at a little sandwich shop that spoke absolutely no English so Kate had to rescue us again so we could get a ham and mozzarella sandwich, which was actually pretty good. I also got my first experience with sparkling water... No thanks.

Now we can take a picture tour of my flat!! So basically the residence is made up of 4 seperate building units in a cube with security in the middle. If you're looking at the main entrance we're in the back left building on the 5th floor, room #86. And yes, there are elevators. Tiny, though, like in Paris. So anyway let's get on with the pics!

This is our door into the flat. Through the opening you can see Kate's bed (yes she sleeps in the living room. More on that later...) and the kitchen.

This is the living room and kitchen.

More detail of the kitchen area. Super tiny and we're missing knives, forks, and all that. We have bowls and plates and simple kitchen things like strainer and frying pan...

This is the view looking at the living room from in the kitchen. Super small TV. Haven't even turned it on yet.

The bathroom is actually a decent size. The shower is...strange. The shower head is in the middle of the tub area. I was worried I was going to flood the place. We also have a "buh day". No idea how to spell it but that's on the right and the toilet is behind the shower of the left.

And this is the bedroom...and my awesome roommates!! Ashley is on the left and Kate is on the right. I sleep on the bed closer to the door, Ashley sleeps further back by the window. We also have about 3/4 of closet space on the wall to the right, and a dresser to the left of the door, parallel to my bed with a decent sized mirror (The bathroom mirror is a total let down).

This is the other side of the bedroom, showing the dresser and mirror. So to continue about the living room/bedroom story, apparently the school said they pushed for the residence to have bunk beds in all of the apartments. So they are on order and short be arriving shortly in a couple weeks. Which actually makes me happy because I felt bad that Kate had to sleep out in there.

So tomorrow we are taking a four hour walk around the city. I think we're seeing local landmarks and things like that. So more pictures will be posted tomorrow for sure. I'm so happy to eat cereal tomorrow. Except we have to talk to the residence people because we have no silverware, which they said there's suppose to be... Anyway, leave comments! Let me know what you think! It's almost midnight so I better go to bed. We're getting up at 9am and taking the bus to school. With 4 hours of walking going on tomorrow there's no way we're not taking it..

Buona Notte!


  1. Jen if you can take a picture of the outside of your building (Wanda wants to see it)
    Your blog is really fun.

  2. Ciao,
    Ci rallegriamo per te, siamo molto felici per te. Hope I did it right in Italian. Your blog is great we have it saved as a favorite.

    Buona Notte
    Larry and Wanda
    P.S. I hear you're living with the Olsen Twins!

  3. Thanks for the pictures. We find this absolutely amazing to see and hear your experiences each day. Looks like your having fun.
    Love, Nana & John

  4. I'll take a picture of the outside of the residence tomorrow. I didn't have a chance today.

    And thanks Larry and Wanda for being very happy for me!! But I didn't know I was living with the Olsen Twins?!?

    I'm glad everyone is able to follow what I'm doing! It will be fun to re-read this blog in a year and see all I did!
