Sunday, January 17, 2010


After our morning in Todi we drove 45 minutes to the 16th century manor of Titignano. Also very beautiful and picturesque. The driveway to the estate was vvvveeerrryyyy loooonnnggg. The purpose of Titignano wasn't to tour it but rather to eat. And holy crap did we eat! We were served 11 courses all together. We were given mini pizzas while waiting outside (in the dizzly rain and cold min you...) while they set up the banquet hall for all 250 of us. By the way, it took 5 tour buses to take us out for this day trip! I didn't catch a picture of the mini pizzas because they never lasted long once they were down and it was super crowded with everyone. But not to worry, I captured the other 10 courses!

This is the little square outside of the estate that is on the left. To the right is the rooms you can stay in if you want to come to eat dinner, stay the night, then eat one of their billion course lunches.

The view from the square.


I can't quite remember what the meats were but I know one is prosciutto and maybe salami. The other was just referred to as the fatty meat.

This is actually a 3 cheese pie that was served warm and actually really good. The layers were flakey like top of pies. Super good.

Asparagus and Rice. I LOVED this dish.

Pasta and Wild Boar. Yes, wild boar.

This, I'm sorry to say, is Bambi. That's right dad, I ate DEER MEAT! Bones were also included. Found that out after I stuck one in my mouth. Yikes! I was so stuffed at this point I couldn't even finish. And then this dish came...

Chicken with a very salty skin and the BEST potato fries of my life! I couldn't NOT eat them!

Salad with lots of vinegar... Totally stuffed by now.

Ok maybe I'm not THAT stuffed... Tiramisù!!!

Biscotti with dessert wine. That's right, dessert part two. We were told to dip out biscotti cookies into the wine. It was actually good but the wine was kind of strong.

And the finale: Espresso! I put a ton of sugar in it, tasted the stirrer, and decided today wasn't the day. Baby steps!

The meal lasted about 3 hours and it was a constant flow of food. The waiters never stopped moving! All the food is made from the lands, including the wines, which were very good. The road to and from the estate is super windy. On the way back to Rome is felt even more windy, and to be honest, gets old after awhile. I couldn't wait to get back on the highway. We got home a little after 7:30 I guess. Long day. Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures. And if anyone wants to recreate the asparagus/ rice dish and the potato fries I'll be happy to taste test :)

Tomorrow is the first day of classes. I think I have my Baroque class. I'm interested to see the syllabus. I'm sure it'll be different then normal.



  1. Dear Jen,
    Dad is probably going to bring his own food-haha
    We all had a chuckle at your meal menu -
    Wow I don't think I would have gotten thru it.
    The part about the Tiramisu was funny.
    I wasn't sure how many students went - all
    250 - that's alot of kids.
    When are you going to start jogging??haha
    Let me know about your class tomorrow -
    get some rest.

  2. Holy Food Batman! Io scommetterò Lei disse, "io non posso credere che io mangiai la cosa intera!"
    Ciao...Larry & Wanda

  3. Ok, so I figured out how to lose weight....go to Italy! Between the scary foods and the all the walking...I would be rail thin by the time I came home. I think I will not complain about eating a piece of ham at Christmas:) Oh and my dad...he drinks Espresso out of a large coffee mug:) Must be an acquired taste!

  4. Haha The food really was good and filling! The wine was probably the best I've tasted too. They make it themselves in the back vineyards that I posted a picture of.

    Sue - I can't believe anyone would drink a large mug of espresso! It's waaaay too strong for me! Italians love it here. I feel like such a wimp when I can't even down a thimble sized cup of it and I got locals next to me downing them like shots several times a day. It'll definitely take some time for me. There's not enough sugar in Rome to hide the strong taste. Yick!

  5. Jen,
    Loved the food - if you get a chance try to get some recipes to bring home so I can try a dish or two - I would love to try to make the asparagus and rice - boy, Uncle Tom would loved to have the tiramisu that is his favorite.
    Glad to hear you are trying everything - I thought their food was exceptional and enjoyed every bite and also best part the glass of wine just adds to the meal.
    Talk to you soon,
    Aunt Barb
